ID-Legal 3-5-09
From IdCommons
ID Legal Teleconference
Date: March 5, 2009
Proposed Agenda:
- Update on the ID-Legal spring 2009 event - size limits and potential invitees - draft budget
- Reconstruction of 2-19-09 minutes - please help! [[1]]
- Brainstorm the Legal and Policy invitees list for the spring "Mapping the Gap" workshop.
- Lucy Lynch (chair)
- J. Trent Adams (scribe)
- Mary Ruddy
- Judi Clark
- Scott David
- Bob Blakeley
- Kaliya Hamlin
- Dan Perry
ID Legal Event Update:
- April 13th & 14th for initial small workshop to “map the gaps” between technology and policy
- Plan is to have the participants as invitation only
- Move event to the fall
- ISOC will sponsor meeting in DC area, within Metro distance
- ISOC will also provide opportunities for participation sponsorship
- Aiming for approximately 25 people
- Explore areas where there are known gaps between tech and policy
- Scott offered space for up to 30 participants at his offices in DC
- Judi suggested potential for space at theater where [Freedom to Connect] is being held
Minutes from last meeting:
- Review and modify as necessary: [Feb. call notes]
Crafting the Invitees List
- Suggested to make a list of technologies and legal issues to use as the lenses
- Goal is to find people who represent each of the technologies
- Suggestion to ensure some consideration for non-US participants
- Ensure that technologists who can interact effectively with lawyers
- Consider covering not just technologies, but areas of coverage (eg. Biometric, surveillance, etc.)
- Discussion around the need to avoid specific attribution by participants.
- Related issue to structuring talk so lawyers aren't asked to speak to specific cases, but giving general answers.
- Need to ensure a balanced view of “policy” views from technologists to avoid initial schism
- Suggestion to reach out to Prime and STORK in Europe as they're gaining traction.
- Discussion about a teleconference bridge to increase participation.
- Concerns around stifling participation in case they're concerned about “who's not in the room”
- Suggestion that first meeting is for community formation that might be disrupted by teleconference.
- Explore possibility for teleconference augmentation at future events (eg. Streaming, SecondLife, etc.)
- Explore possibility of bringing in policy experts from the Shibboleth communities.
- Discussed need to flesh out the list of potential policy participants
Discussion of the Event Itself
- Possibly set up a side meeting (next week?) around a rough process for the event.
- Support for the definitional tagline for the event: “Mapping the Gap”
- A successful event would be if it generates a list of Questions to Ask that could map the gap between technologists and policy makers. Follow on event could tackle answering them.
- Suggestion that the participants bring
Action Items:
- Circulate list of potential candidates to list, participants should map them to the topic areas on the wiki to ensure sufficient coverage
- Scott, Kaliya, Lucy to have a call on the event process itself.
- Target Monday, March 9th for sending invitations, need to nail down list prior to that.