Virtual personality

From IdCommons

Definition: The virtual existence of a person. [JacoA]

A virtual personality is composed of:

(i) presence

(ii) attributes/set of claims

(iii) projection

Comment: Identity Rights Agreements is a great example of how projection may be implemented. Link contracts are ideal for projection implementation. See also rejection [JacoA]

Comment: Presence and Digital Subject (see digital subject definition above) are almost the same. So a not exact equation may be the following: virtual personality = digital subject + digital identity-1 + projection [JacoA]

Comment: For some examples of presence implementation, read here and here. Those presence implementation examples relate mostly with *dealt* and less with *described* (see digital subject definition above). If you can not read the link, read this text from the link: "Adam Moise, Microsoft alliance manager with Siemens Communications, adds: "You want your presence not just to represent your device's status in the network; you want it to represent who you are. Mainstream users will profit from presence when it aggregates information from various sources and thus becomes a viable representation of who a person is". [JacoA]