ID-Legal 12-11-08
From IdCommons
Call in Time
1pm Pacific, 4pm Eastern, 11am Hawaii
Dedicated Dial-In Number: 1(309)946-5255 Access Code:659714
- Judi Clark
- Scott David
- Michael Froomkin
- ID-Legal Stewardship
- review and resolve open items from last two meetings
- moving meeting plans forward
- discussion of CSIS Commission on Cybersecurity's final report, "Securing Cyberspace for the 44th Presidency"
- Greg Hevencamp
- Michael Froomkin
- Judi Clark
Notes from call:
- We couldn't talk about Stewardship issue as Greg and Michael could not volunteer for position, Lucy not on call to talk about co-chairing. Judi remains as acting Steward.
- Tasks from prior meetings are brought forward to ASAP status, or failing that into Jan. phone call:
- Kaliya and Lucy: timeline and meta-themes/guidelines for spring conference (NOTE: Michael commented that spring calendars are quickly filling up and setting a date should be a top priority)
- Dazza re: policy space? (was this for IIW or was this an action item?)
- set of wiki pages defined in Oct. 9 notes - status and continued need for pages?
- Cyberspace article discussion: interesting paper, MF pointed out that it's the only one that argues against sharp distinction between civilian and military approach. MF: good group of people involved (see end of report). GH: Paper outlined IP protocols, many don't exist today, don't know how they're proposing we get there. Concern for government-approved identity credentials (shades of Real ID).