I2 Relying Party Profiles

From IdCommons

Table of relying party profiles.

Each profile should specify:

  1. a page with more information about the profile, e.g. protocol version, feature sets, etc.
  2. testing procedures to determine profile success of failure
  3. possible failures and expected handling

Every participant will fill in the values for their support for the profile, with one of the following values:

- yes: the feature is supported NOW - no: the feature will not be supported for this Interop - tbd: the feature is intended for support, but isn't yet ready - ?: it isn't known whether the feature will be supported.

Interoperability Related

Legend: Yes = supported; No = not supported; ? = unknown; tbd = support possible near term; some = some features supported

Profile FriendsWithCards MS Age RP LiveID Login xmldap.org RP Higgins RP IBM RP IC-Ruby IC-Java FuGen RP Pamela Project Ping Identity Simple RP Ping Identity Advanced RP CA SiteMinder RP Bandit Trac Oracle RP Bandit Podcasts PW RP Word Press IC-C Siemens DirX Access Shibboleth RP WSO2-IS mod_cspace WSO2-IS Java RP MS RP for MS IdP MS Any Issuer RP MS no-SSL RP
Token Validation yes yes yes mostly yes yes yes yes yes yes not yet yes yes yes mostly yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
RP Handling of tokens with un-requested claims yes yes yes tbd yes yes yes
Claim Processing yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Use self-issued card for login yes yes yes kind of yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no tbd yes yes no yes yes
Use managed card for login no yes no kind of yes yes no no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes



Legend: Yes = supported; No = not supported; ? = unknown; tbd = support possible near term; some = some features supported

Profile FriendsWithCards MS Age RP LiveID Login xmldap.org RP Higgins RP IBM RP IC-Ruby IC-Java FuGen RP Pamela Project Ping Identity Simple RP Ping Identity Advanced RP CA SiteMinder RP Bandit Trac Oracle RP Bandit Podcasts PW RP Word Press IC-C Siemens DirX Access Shibboleth RP WSO2-IS mod_cspace WSO2-IS Java RP MS RP for MS IdP MS Any Issuer RP MS no-SSL RP
Identity Selector invocation has been moved to the Identity Selector Section yes yes yes yes yes n/a yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes ? ? ? ? ? ?
Packaging yes no no no yes yes yes halfway no yes yes yes tbd no yes tbd no yes yes yes yes
Use self-issued card for account creation yes no no no yes yes yes yes yes no no no no no yes no no no no no no no
Use managed card for account creation no no no no yes yes no no yes no no no no no no no no no no no no no