2008 Q1 Report N4N

From IdCommons


We've developed some initial copy for the Starting Points page, which we've intended to be a resource of information for those new to the community. It now includes primer-type information such as: 1) What is User-Centric Identity, 2) Why should I care?, and 3) What is Identity Commons. We are also in the process of developing a section entitled, "Figuring out the Landscape." This section will include information about Community participants, including technologies, projects, and companies. We're hoping to solicit feedback from other community members soon.

We worked on refining the language for the IIW2008a Announcement. We tried to make the announcement more approachable for those new to the community, and Kaliya did a great job incorporating our feedback.

We're in the process of helping outline the introductory session of the next workshop. We'd like to make it easy for Newbies to engage, and reflective of the work that happens at the workshop.


Unfortunately, our former Steward, Dan Nelson, had to leave the group due to personal commitments. We've been working hard to maintain the momentum we had after the December workshop, but we only have four active members. While we've accomplished a lot, we are still looking for additional participants.


If you come across anyone who is new to this space, please point them in our direction. We are very interested in growing our ranks and would like to connect with other Newbies before the next workshop. Furthermore, our membership was intended to completely turn over at after every workshop (afterall, we wouldn't be Newbies anymore), but in order to do that effectively, we need some enthusiasm and word of mouth working for us. Please let all potential Newbies know about our group and encourage their participation.
